Car Care Tips

  • 9 Signs Your Vehicle Needs a Tune-Up

    mechanic checking under hood of car

    Sluggish. Squealing. Unreliable. Vibrating. If any of these descriptors fit your vehicle’s recent behavior, it just might be trying to tell you something – like it’s time for a tune-up.

    Today’s vehicles differ significantly from their decades-old brethren that required a tune-up every 10,000 or 20,000 miles. With newer vehicles, it’s increasingly common for manufacturer-recommended service intervals to stretch to 100,000 miles before certain maintenance items, such as replacing the spark plugs, should be completed. 

  • Battery Dead? Here Is How You Jump Start Your Vehicle!

    At some point or another, we’ve pretty much all dealt with a dead car battery. There’s a good chance you already know how to jump-start your car - if not, don’t worry! Here’s everything you need to know, from Pine Barrens Diesel in Shamong, NJ.

  • Best Questions to Ask A Mechanic

    A good technician will give your vehicle a quick inspection whenever you have maintenance performed. Fluid levels, tire condition, dashboard lights, and a variety of other items typically are briefly explored whenever you bring your vehicle in for maintenance. At Pine Barrens Diesel in Shamong, NJ, we're good at noticing things that need repair, but the fact of the matter is that only you know your vehicle. You know when your vehicle feels off when its been serviced last (or that it hasn't been serviced at all,) and have at least some vague idea of what’s going on with your vehicle day to day. Here are some questions you can ask us next time you come by the shop:

  • Brake For Great Service

    brake repair

    Brakes are one of the most important components of your vehicle. You need the confidence of knowing that when you press your foot to the brake, your vehicle is going to stop. That's why it's important to keep these tips in mind to help keep your brakes functioning properly. Schedule an appointment with us at Pine Barrens Diesel for a brake service checkup today!

  • Can You Switch Between Oil Grades?


    These days, it seems like the oil options for your oil changes are limitless - full synthetic, blends, conventional, high mileage, and the list goes on and on. We are frequently asked if it's okay to switch between oils, and how do you know what is okay to use? At Pine Barrens Diesel in Shamong, NJ we're here to help you answer that question. When it comes to engine oil, the answer to this question can be as complicated or as simple as you want it to be!

  • Can’t shift out of Park?

    There may come a day when you go to shift your vehicle out of “Park”, and the shifter refuses to move. Perhaps you are already experiencing this issue intermittently, or currently have a vehicle stuck in park. While this is a serious inconvenience, it doesn’t necessarily indicate a serious problem; let Pine Barrens Diesel in Shamong, NJ put your mind at ease.

  • Checking Your Fluid Levels - How 3 Minutes Once A Month Can Save Your Vehicle

    At Pine Barrens Diesel in Shamong, NJ, we know how easy it is to overlook vehicle maintenance when everything is working as it should - we also know firsthand the toll neglected maintenance takes on a vehicle. Here’s an easy thing you can do yourself, that might save you an engine, transmission, or avoid numerous other problems.

  • Common Heater/AC Fan Switch Issues

    hand over aircondition

    At Pine Barrens Diesel in Shamong, we know how important climate control is to your driving experience. Not only does a fully functional heat and AC system keep you warm in the winter, and cool in the summer, it is vital to defrosting windows and keeping the air in your car circulating.

  • Disconnecting a Battery from A Vehicle

    man taking battery out of car

    If you’re ever in a situation where you must remove the battery from your vehicle, it’s important to know what you’re doing. It seems pretty straight forward, and it is. However, there are some important things to remember when disconnecting the battery in your car, truck, or SUV. Here are some tips on disconnecting a car battery, from Pine Barrens Diesel in Shamong, NJ.

  • Do You Know How Your AC Works?

    hand on car air conditioning vent

    When you get in your car, truck, SUV, or minivan to drive and the A/C does not work what could be wrong? Here at Pine Barrens Diesel, we have some simple answers to help you understand how your vehicle A/C system works. The first question we are asked is "Why isn't my air conditioner blowing cold air?" Let's talk about what could be happening. 

  • Do You Smell One Of These Smells? It's Time To Bring Your Car In.

    girl smelling vents

    If you’ve owned a vehicle long, particularly one with a few miles on it, you have probably encountered a peculiar smell that grabbed your attention. Scents that you encounter while driving (emanating from your vehicle, not the horse farm down the road) are indicators of your vehicle's health and often the first warning that something may be wrong. Pine Barrens Diesel in Shamong has assembled this list to prepare for you for the next time you smell something odd, so you’ll know what’s going on next time you notice a funny smell.

  • Feels Like Trouble (Is your vehicle driving right?)

    Nobody knows your vehicle better than you; if you suspect it isn’t driving the way it used to, there’s a good chance you’re correct. The truth of the matter is there are countless reasons and remedies for such a broad subject, but Pine Barrens Diesel in Shamong, NJ has compiled a list of a few common problems that can cause a vehicle to drive poorly.

  • Have an Off Track Window in Your Vehicle? Here's What to Do

    Car windows

    Automotive windows are one of those things that you take for granted, until something goes wrong. One of the more irritating issues a window can develop, is dislocating from its track while attempting to roll it up or down. Why does this happen, and how do you fix it? At Pine Barrens Diesel in Shamong, NJ, we’ve got answers to your questions and solutions to your problems.

  • How to Keep Your Older Vehicle in The Best Shape!

    Tail lights on bumper of older car

    As your vehicle ages, it not only gains sentimental value but a number of maintenance measures arise as well. Vehicles from previous decades have the potential to keep their value and functionality for many years. But how can you make that possible? Here are some tips from Pine Barrens Diesel to keep your older vehicle running and on the road for a long time!

  • How To Prevent A Transmission From Overheating

    Part of a transmission

    At Pine Barrens Diesel in Shamong, NJ, we know that the key to keeping a transmission reliable and in shape is taking care to prevent an issue in the first place. Here, well explore a condition which has a lot of potential to cause your transmission harm: overheating.

  • How to Reduce Your Vehicle Maintenance Costs

    Man working under the hood of his vehicle

    If you want to avoid nasty and unexpected surprise maintenance costs, sticking to a regimented schedule of preventative maintenance is something you are going to want to get used to. The reason being is simple – frequent maintenance will keep your vehicle in good health, ensuring you get the most out of all those expensive-to-replace parts. While it might sound counterintuitive, the best way to reduce maintenance costs is to stick to a prescribed maintenance schedule.

  • How To Retain Your Car’s Resale Value

    car with for sale sign on the window

    If you drive a performance or luxury vehicle, there are important points to remember in preserving not only your car or SUV, but it's resale value as well. Luxury and performance vehicles depreciate more quickly than other cars. Many who own these cars like to have the newest and the best of the best. In that way, the odds are stacked against you when trying to get a good price for your car. Fortunately, Pine Barrens Diesel has some steps you can take to ensure you get the most for your car when it’s time to sell. 

  • How You Can Retain Your Vehicle’s Resale Value

    vehicles lined up

    If you own or operate any type of vehicle, you understand the importance of resale value. Some owners keep the same vehicle until it’s time for the scrap yard, but by and large it makes more sense to sell a vehicle and replace it at a certain point. From Pine Barrens Diesel in Shamong, NJ, here’s how to make sure you get the most cash possible when it’s time for your vehicles to hit the auction block or when you're ready to sell it to its next owner.

  • Identifying driveway spots: how to determine what is leaking under your car

    If you drive a vehicle with more than a few miles on it, there’s a good chance you’ve noticed an occasional drip underneath it that leaves spots wherever you park. Identifying what is leaking from your car will help you determine whether or not it’s a cause for concern, and what to do about it.

    There are seven liquids a car can possibly drip: oil, gas, brake fluid, transmission fluid, gear oil, water, and coolant. How do you tell the difference? This article aims to help your know-how.

  • Is it necessary to warm up your car?

    car on road

    If you drive a performance car or SUV, you want to take every measure possible to ensure it stays in good shape and running well. For many drivers of precision-engineered vehicles like BMW, Audi, Porsche, Subaru, etc., warming up the engine is a part of taking care of your vehicle. But is it necessary?

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